Some useful information about the use of viber/newsela

Some useful information about the use of viber/newsela
Some useful information about the use of viber/newsela
Some useful information about the use of viber/newsela

In this era of smartphone development, we can thank technology. We no longer have to worry about the limits of messaging. At the same time, we can send the message we need to different people at the same time, and we can share our joys or moments by sharing useful files, pictures or videos with them.

In this case, Viber is a very important and popular app. This lets you share with users what you need in a moment. Here is some information about the sibling for your convenience

1) Change your online status:
It may seem simple to you, but those in your sibling's friends list do not need to know whether you are online or not. To change your online status in Viber, go to the Settings option. Uncheck the "Share Online Status" option by clicking on the Privacy option there.
2) Your sibling's profile picture should not be viewed by strangers:
Your profile picture will help your friends on the list, but there are some bad aspects. People you are unfamiliar with can easily use your picture. So if you want to hide the profile picture of your sibling from strangers, go to the "Privacy" section. Select the profile photo option there and click on "No Body".
3) If you want to change the "Seen" option:

If you do not want your friends to know when you saw their message, or when you saw it, simply change it in the settings menu. First go to the Privacy option. From there, uncheck the "Share using app status" option.

Keep yourself safe in the online world and build yourself up in this cool big world of communication with the era.

Source: Android

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