Most downloaded apps in the Google Store/reviews google

Most downloaded apps in the Google Store/reviews google
Most downloaded apps in the Google Store/reviews google
Most downloaded apps in the Google Store/reviews google

reviews google

Tech giant Google, another tech giant, launched Google Play on Apple's iOS Appstore platform in March 2012. The digital market of the app has recently crossed three years.

Google has stated in a blogpost that in addition to 2 million 5 million apps, 5 million songs, including 3 million books on Google Play, have become an important platform for movies, game users and developers.

Candy Clash Saga is at the top of Google's list of most downloaded games. Then there are the subways? Safarors, Temple Run 2, Dispicable Me and Clash of Clan.

Along with Facebook and Facebook Messenger, Pandora Radio, Instagram and Snapchat are among the list of best applications.

The list of best-selling songs includes Ed Sheeran's Thinking Out Loud, Lord's Royals, Taylor Swift's Blank Space, Mark Ronsen and Pharrell Williams' Happy Song.

The interview is at the top of the movie list. Then there are Frozen, Deadpool, Star Wars, Guardian of the Galaxy.
References: Internet

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