Social media is making people antisocial!/social media marketing

Social media is making people antisocial!/social media marketing
Social media is making people antisocial!/social media marketing
Social media is making people antisocial!/social media marketing

  social media marketing

Online social media has become the favorite of young people. Social media is a companion to all things like leisure time, traveling, playing and so on. Now of course, people are often heard complaining about their loved one saying, 'He is so addicted to them that we do not have time to look for him.'

These questions are answered in various ways. The open encyclopedia Wikipedia says, "Social media is a computer-centered technology that allows people to share information, ideas, career issues and other events in virtual communities and networks." Although there are numerous social media platforms, Facebook YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Skype, Reddit etc. More popular However, Facebook is currently at the peak of popularity as a social media platform.

Experts say, 'Social media users are getting addicted to them. They also appear to be able to access social media while doing something very important. They could not exclude these sites, especially when attending meetings, seminars, etc. Besides, the same situation is seen in the chat of the friends of the day, at family occasions and in various other places.

Information technician Mostafa Jabbar said, "There is no alternative to direct meeting. Regardless of the technology, no alternative will ever be made. However, one thing, social communication or technology has made the impossible impossible. Where I cannot go or what I do not get, it is possible for the sake of technology. But it should be limited to just such places. Communication with friends, family should not be dependent on social media. Again, when I'm talking to someone, the whole focus should be on him. '

Is online dependent social interaction actually making us antisocial? A few days ago there was a debate on this question on the 'Debt.ot org' website. The Internet users of the West largely participated in the debate. The result - 3 percent of the vote, that is, yes, and 5 percent against. The essence of the comments in this debate is, 'Smartphones leave you alone from your siblings, parents, mates, children. You can be socially isolated. '

The research organization 'Digital Clarity' has conducted a survey on almost similar topics. The survey, conducted on 3,000 people, revealed that people's addiction to the Internet and social media has come to the fore. The survey shows that 5 to 20 year olds spend an average of 3 hours online daily. That is why there are many changes in the mental. These include wasting time, lack of time, being separated from family, suffering from some kind of unrest while offline.

Melissa Scott, a British student who participated in the survey, thinks she is regularly addicted to the Internet. "I'm always online as long as I'm awake," she said. When I go offline, my frustration works and then I feel sick. '

About the rise of information technology around the world, Professor Spanish-born sociologist Manueur Castles of the University of Southern California has written a three-volume book, Information Age (Information Age), from this year. The first volume is 'The Rise of Network Society', 'The Information Age: Economy', 'Society and Culture'. AI Mahbub Uddin Ahmed, a professor of sociology at Dhaka University, said, “Manuel wants to say in his book that we are living in a virtual world because of the network. What is slowly happening is the net vs. the person's life. People are becoming lonely in society. '

A study report in the July 25 issue of Computer in Human Behavior stated that people who spend more time on Facebook, Twitter, or similar media may be unhappy in their marriage. You can even think about divorce. ”So experts are stressing about spending enough time in real life.

In Bangladesh too, most people are spending a lot of time through social media, according to information from Aminul Hakim, president of IAPAB, an Internet service organization. He said that the use of social media Facebook in the country is used to consume bandwidth like 5 GHz. Internet users on mobile are almost always logged in to Facebook and Messenger.

In addition to the mobile phone operators used (1 Gigabyte) about 5 percent of the bandwidth is used by Facebook. And the ISPs use the subscribers (125 Gigabyte) of bandwidth, which is 5 percent, and the 12.3 percent Gigabyte used. In addition to other social media, the bandwidth cost is 5 GHz.

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