Elon Mask will dig the tunnel into the earth and Mars!/science fair

Elon Mask will dig the tunnel into the earth and Mars!/science fair
Elon Mask will dig the tunnel into the earth and Mars!/science fair
Elon Mask will dig the tunnel into the earth and Mars!/science fair
 science fair

 Now the task of the mask will be to dig the ground and make a long tunnel on Mars or any other planet! Even in our habitable planet. Alan Mask, CEO and CEO of 'Space-X', tweeted on December 5, expressing his interest in building a long tunnel to dig the ground of another planet in space, and I was overwhelmed by the pressure of cars and population on this earth.

Can't go on! This time I'm going to make a very large tunnel boring machine or soil digger. I'm going to start this very fast.

It is known that the mask will dig the soil and make a tunnel on earth. With no 'mask', Mask tweeted, saying his plans for the future. That new company will be called 'Boring Company'. The task of which is to dig only the planetary soil. And then make a long tunnel to make the jump. Human civilization can find its 'new tent' before it can be destroyed or inaccessible.

It is, of course, true that in the study of moving from Earth to Mars, how can a life-threatening mask or the pressure of earthquake and population pressure on the surface? Could not mask. So he tweeted directly, telling of his next day's work. And since he has been announcing, as Elon Musk has said, it is assumed that a long tunnel has begun this time around the planet! By 2021, he will send people (astronauts) to the red planet Mars. When NASA did not send astronauts to Mars, Elon Musk did not want to borrow it. He goes on to 'think, do that' mantra!

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