Problems with mobile usage overtime/science fiction

Problems with mobile usage overtime/science fiction
Problems with mobile usage overtime/science fiction
Problems with mobile usage overtime/science fiction

science fiction
Excessive use of smartphones can be hazardous. Excessive use of smartphone can be dangerous. A recent study found this information. Researchers warn that excessive use of mobile phones leads to other nasty habits, which may increase the risk of heart disease. Researchers from Colombia recently did this study.

Researchers at Simon Bolivar University conducted research on 4 young girls and 4 teenage students aged between 5 and 20 in Colombia.    

Top authors of the study, Mirri Mantilla-Moran, said it was important for the general public to be aware and cautious because, despite the attractive features of mobile devices, it must be compatible with advanced habits and healthy behaviors.

Researchers say that using mobile phones for five hours or more a day increases the risk of obesity by 5 percent. It increases the tendency for students to eat sugary drinks, fast food, sweets, frequent snacks. Besides, their physical activity is greatly reduced. Researchers say that 26 percent of those who are overweight and obese - 9.5 percent of people with more than five hours of smartphone use.

Researchers say that excessive physical use of mobile phones may reduce the physical activity of young people, leading to premature death, diabetes, heart disease and various types of cancer.

Experts advise to reduce the use of the phone to be healthy and to engage in various activities to increase exercise and physical activity.

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